Sunday, 24 October 2021

A closed society

 There are 10 simple steps that every tyrant uses to close a society that was once rather open and they are:

Step 1.  Invoke an external and internal threat- Muslims, Migrants, take your pick! But he neglects the real threat: CLIMATE CHANGE!

Step 2.  Secret prison where torture can take place away from prying eyes.

 Step 3. Develop a paramilitary force- has anyone taken a look at the police during any kind of protest??

Step 4. Surveil  ordinary people- That is what’s happening right now, Johnson might say it’s just a temporary resort, but just wait, you give him this and all of us will come under the category of potential threats that will need constant surveillance.

Step 5. Infiltrate citizen groups.

Step 6.  Detain and release ordinary citizens- does anyone remember David Miranda???

Step 7. Target key individuals. 

Step 8. Restrict the press- have you seen the reporting lately?? It’s a joke! And anyone who dares to report on something the Government doesn't approve gets bullied by Government thugs i.e the Guardian being forced to destroy documents and hard-drive by the UK Government!

Step 9. Recast criticism as espionage and dissent as treason- has anyone taken a look across the pond, how long do you think before in arrives here in full it has already started to come here in instalments.

Step 10. Subvert the rule of law- which happens every other day to protect what this Government truly values- The Corporations. Not only that the Tories have already tried to dissolve Parliament and are trying to put in rules that will ultimately mean they will be above the law
 The Tories are sending us back to the middle ages, we must act before it's too late!