Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Look Familiar???

Steps of a closing society
Step 1: Invoke an external and internal threat

Step 2: Secret prison where torture can take place

Step 3: Develop a paramilitary force

Step 4: Surveil ordinary citizens

Step 5: Infiltrate citizens groups

Step 6: Detain and release ordinary citizens

Step 8: Restrict the press

Step 9: Recast criticism as espionage and dissent as treason

Step 10 Subvert the rule of law.

It's more obvious now, they are already starting to close down dissent by calling protesters "terrorist" and banning any form of mwdia that chooses to do their job!

This is Tory policy

Monday, 8 June 2020


I don't know how anyone else feels but I wish Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand was my Prime Minister. She has shown that she is decisive, intelligent and above all compassionate. She didn't put the economy above the lives of her citizens like certain leaders and she understood that if she did the hard part now, which is a complete lockdown she would not only save lives but she would slowly be able to open up the economy.

New Zealand may not be considered a " big player" but they have achieved something no other country has, they have almost eliminated the disease and it didn't require the sacrifice of thousands of lives unlike the floundering buffoon in No. 10 that thinks that over 40,000 people dead is a success!!

This is not the first time the New Zealand PM has shown great compassion, after the shootings in Christ church she visited the mourners and consoled them, unlike our PM that couldn't be bothered to visit the people devastated by the floods earlier this year.

Ms Ardern I wish you all the luck in the world but could you help us in the UK we desperatly need a leader not a puppet!

Sunday, 7 June 2020

Think again!


.. Stay home

I find it baffling how the Government is telling us not to protest because it might spread the virus ut they're okay with us being on packed trains and other forms of public transport to get back to work. They're okay with sacrifising us to make them money but when it comes to questioning them and demanding change all of a sudden it's too dangerous.

This is not a democracy, don't be so distracted by this pandemic that you become unaware that you are living in a closing society where they are slowly selling of your right to get rich, BoJo is alreading making u- turns on food standards and making it so we ave chicken that has been washed in chlorine but he going to make so food doesn'e have to be labled as GMO. I don't know aboutyou guys but American people are not exactly the healthiest! But it is not only food, soon they will make it illegal to protest!! Without accountability this Government can get away with murder!!

Don't let it happen, stay alert! 

Monday, 1 June 2020

Britain preps for the Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic! �� - Charlie Brooker...

Take care

People should try to wrap their heads around one truth..... if it was just like the flu why is so is there so much precaution and so many deaths??? And another vital thing people seem to forget, we have a vaccine for most flus.

Great Britain....Really??

Following the science.....


How can the Government continue to spout this lie when the scientist have warned against easing the lockdown??!! They have pointed out that the infection rate is still too high. Another thing the government keep putting out there is that people should use " common sense", the reason is to shift blame and for them to take no responsibility for the coming catastrophe. I hope the public will see through this ploy.  I have to wonder one thing was Domiic Cummins using common sense when he drove while also having symptoms to Durham? Also it may just be me but I thought it was against the law to drive when you have impaired vision, I wasn't aware that driving was a method commonly used to test your eyesight?!!! The mere fact that Boris has come out and defended this gollum like creature should tell you a lot about his priorities.... it's not us!

The people are also not made fully aware of the severity of the virus, and that is because at the beginning of this crisis they kept comparing it to the flu- it is not like the flu!! The infection rate is much higher and the fact that over 38,000 people have died in a few months should give you some sort of indication about the seriousness of this virus. A major thing that people don't take into account is that even if you do survive you will most likely be left with some sort of disability and a huge amount of trauma. You can be dealing with neurological trauma and organ failure. There have been cases of people suffering from blood clots that mean that limbs have been amputated.

The public have not been told the truth about the situation if they were they would not be flocking to the beach when a bit of sun comes out.