Friday, 28 July 2017

The war on intelligence

Has anyone actually stopped and asked themselves, " how did we get here?". Well I can tell you one thing, it didn't happen overnight, the lowering of the bar has been going on for years through many types of media, but it happened so easily because people stopped paying attention.

People are treating facts like they're optional and we don't have to listen to proof before shooting our mouths off. People believe that opinions matter more than statistics and they dismiss stats because they're not as exciting as scandal and wild accusations. The news media has succumb to this belief in a major way and that is not what they are meant to do. They are there to report the FACTS not just give us their opinions they are also there to ask the hard questions and not cower to authority or pander to public opinion.

The print media in this country is so blatantly right wing it's outrageous.But the saddest thing is that people actually believe it and some people ( mostly brown) end up getting hurt because of it.  Like I said before, people have placed little value on getting the facts and just act on the sensational headlines and it all starts at the top, people see politicians and people in authority acting this way and they believe it's okay.

All you have to do is look across the pond at Mr Trump, he treats facts as an inconvenience and has continually attacked any news media that is critical of what he is doing as " fake new" therefore legitimizing the press. And if people can't trust the news to tell them what going on, who do they look to? Lord Trump that's who. A person who has been known to play fast and loose with the facts. It's not just in the States it's right here, people just have to learn to open their eyes and ears. Just take the PM, she just vomits out a few slogans and the people stop asking questions and just carry on with their "lives". She can say a hour long speech without actually saying anything and the press are not doing enough to push her on the details.

If you watch more than 1 news channel you can get to the truth, but the sad thing is people don't, they insist on only listening to news that goes with their particular world view. If this is left to go on, you start to get a very ignorant and hostile population- which is creeping into our society and it is deeply depressing to have people so opposed to learning something different.