History will say how this was an obvious sign that the west is in decline. The rise of the Right shouldn't be a surprise, that is if you were paying attention. But the sad thing was that many people weren't, and that is why it is such a shock to people.
People have been angry and frustrated long before the Financial Crisis of 08, it's just this is when the Politicians of the world woke up to the reality that something has gone seriously wrong when it started to hurt their pockets. But then after the initial shock, they headed back to their slumber, while the people were left struggling. But they ignored everyone else while rewarding the crooks that screwed and are continuing to screw the public. This has left a serious amount of distrust and anger towards traditional politic, hence the rise of opinions rather than facts and emotion over common sense.
In the UK the vote to leave the EU just showed how in times of austerity and cost cutting that the UK government has imposed, the people are more inclined to blame outside forces rather than looking within their borders. People were more inclined to believe the outrages claims made by the Campaigns on both sides, without taking some time to do some research on an issue that will have some very serious consequences for all of us in the long term. To say that all the people that voted to leave the EU are stupid is just unfair and false. The people were simply misinformed and taken in by the showmanship and trickery used by the politicians. And this is because we don't have a impartial news media in this country, they are all biased to one side or another depending on where the funding comes from.

The media here and in the US didn't do their job and really push on the issues, they emphasized the person flaws and character rather then providing the public with any substantial analysis. This was more prominent in the Us election, where it was 100% about personality.
But everyone is to blame; the politicians, the media and us,the public. The public demanded showmanship over quality, and the media decided to show this on a loop because it gets the most ratings. And in the end that is what it's about- ratings rather than informing the public and to hell with the consequences and long term bitterness and hatred you are cultivating.