Friday, 30 October 2015

Goodbye, old friend.

Gone are the days of decency, compassion and co-operation, now is the time of exploitation, greed and individualism, and why???? Because Cameron is obsessed with the yanks and he also wants things to go like they were before.. he wants us to go back to the Olive Twist times. He is cutting everything the people might benefit from so that he  can exploit our desperation.

But the real sad thing about this is that he is making the people he is screwing over into inviting these medieval practices, by using different forms of mainstream media he is making it so that you will be grateful when you become a slave and can barely feed yourself, but hey, at least you'll have a job. Well if the UK keeps heading towards Americanization of everything, that's what the future will hold. Just look at the over-the-top celebration for Halloween, a non holiday, and we have now got Black Friday- we don't even celebrate Thanksgiving!!

This society has just become the 51st state, the powers that be may no admit it, but we're there. I mean all you have to do is stop and listen how people are talking, it's all about me and how much wealth I can accumulate at the expense of everyone else. And the media is doing its fair share in manipulating you into believing that these " fat cats" are worthy of our admiration and that we should aspire to be like them....No thank you! Why would anyone want to be a self absorbed twat?? Umm, maybe a country that puts these fools on a pedestal.

Just look at the mainstream media's reaction to the humanitarian crisis in Syria, first the wanted military at the border, then they SAID they would take in some refugees only after the got shamed into it by the rest on Europe and now they're back to associating them with "floods" and "swarms" instead of the frightened and desperate people that they are. Some media outlets have even gone as far as calling them " sleeper agents"! And last but definitely not least, they try and claim that they will be a drain on the economy and how it means you will lose all your benefits.. forgetting the fact that the Tories have already begun dismantling the welfare state.

People are led to believe, again by the media, that having a welfare system that looks after all of its citizens ( not just the corporations and the banksters) is a bad thing, it;s actually the opposite, by having a functional government body that aims to look after all of its citizens is the signs of a progressive country. The fact that people believe that it's  not a good thing just shows how the right- wing media and politics have succeeded into turning " Great Britain" into a third world country!

By having a free press that does not cow tail to the elites and a Government that aims to enrich not distract it's population and not being spied on at every corner of your life... now that's democracy. Now let's see, we have none of these- what do you think?

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

The people don't want this...

.... But when has that ever mattered to Governments.

Racist Britain..Well dah!!

Racism is the most primitive behaviour in human beings, because you dislike a person because of what they look like and/or their faith. It is nothing to do what that person has done to you personally, it is mostly based on images from the media of an extreme minority but you have now applied to everyone of that particular faith.

The people at the top of society have a lot to answer for, they have helped foster this fear and mistrust by the way they discuss things in public, the purposely use words that have negative connotations so that a particular image will then be imprinted on the public psyche.  And that image is of the " Muslim terrorist" and the brown migrants who are going to drain the economy. Where was the outrage when Banksters brought the economy to its knees?

They ( the racists) will always come out and say that it is just about Britishness and how certain communities don't integrate. But what they mean about integration is that they don't abandon all their beliefs and just become drunken members of society. To be perfectly honest, Britishness doesn't exist- what they mean is that you look different and you're not white- is this not racism then?

Diversity is only good for society, how else with a person who has never left there little village know about other cultures? Many of these people will only know about other culture through the media and we all know the mainstream media tends to be bias.

Just take the news that Nadiya won the great British Bakeoff, now she won this by baking the best cakes- what can be more British than this? But the Daily Mail will do it's best to minimize this shift of what it is to be British.

The people most responsible for racist theme in society comes from the top, the politicians set the agenda and they get the right wing media to make sure everyone thinks in a particular way.

In a society where everything is going at such a fast pace, sometimes it will do well to slow down and take a step back. That's the only way you will understand that you are all being manipulated and scared into thinking a particular way.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Where's your humanity?!!!

Cameron should take his junk out of swine and realise... that by bombing Syria he is just going to create more refugees. The ass hole is already trying to stop taking in his fair share of people fleeing these conflicts and what's his solution.. to build a big fence and to waste money on sending the military! Where's your humanity??? And the really sad things is that the British people are also turning against refugees instead of greeting them with open arms like the Germans. The media having even gone as far as claiming that there might even be members if ISIS coming with them! I do hope people see through this obvious attempt to scare the public from doing the right thing.

Are the idiots convinced now??!!

More floods, forest fires, droughts and typhoons and some people at the very top still refuse to believe in climate change, Instead they just claim that these are isolated incidents instead of coming to terms with the fact that this is the new normal. How is it that almost every year we are having record breaking rains and droughts and now we have sinkholes appearing in Hertfordshire... And still the political elites refuse to act.. but hey if the banksters need more money, they act super-fast!! Until it hits the people at the top, we're all screwed!