Monday, 23 September 2013

What's wrong here?

When I was in school (a long time ago!) when I thought about the future I saw clean streets, efficient and affordable public transport for all( and maybe flying cars!) and people enjoying a healthier and happy lives, and I can say with that when I look at the world today I am utterly disgusted! The amount of litter on the streets is appalling and it goes to show where the true priorities of this country lie, because most of the garbage you see on the streets belongs to that of multimillion dollar fast food chains and the local copy cats. What people refuse to get into their heads is that these fast food places are all about exploiting you, and that also is the way private businesses and the government do, all they do is prey on your weaknesses and try and turn it into a profit for them.
Has anyone ever noticed that the worse off a neighborhood is, the more fast food places there are?  The population would have to be incredibly stupid to believe that this food is actually good for them, but the sad fact is that many people don’t put that much priority on their health, and why I hear you ask?  Stupidity is a major component but also people believe they don’t have enough time or money. The fact that they don’t have enough time is a sheer lie because it doesn’t take much time to make a healthier choice, and also for the work that people are actually doing, you don’t need that much food.
People who complain that they don’t have enough money to eat healthier should understand that the cost of something like cancer is a whole lot more! The main reason why they don’t have money for good quality food is simply because they believe having the latest iphone or outfits are more important. I strongly disagree with this, people should understand that the cost of having last year clothes is nothing compare to ingesting that crap everyday!
An intelligent individual would understand that, but the average individual is not intelligent and the main cause of that is the media. The media has to at least take part of the blame for the negative trend when it comes to the intellectual pool of our society. The media does its upmost best to promote movies and TV programmes that have poor dialogue, an even worst script and is purely there to distract you from your meaningless consumer driven lives, whereas before you were an active participant and you were always made to think about difficult and often controversial issues, now you’re just a passive observer and told to but as much movie merchandise as possible.
This is not just a problem in the entertainment medium but also the news, one would think that the news is purely around to inform you about all the major issues around the world, not anymore! Now they have gotten it into their heads that they have to be entertaining and they purposefully simplify complex issues because they  have realized that the new target audience will not understand anything other than sound bites, and the main reason why the population has ended up this way is because they have been constantly exposed to this form of media, it is a vicious cycle that will lead to an increasingly dumb society.
It makes one wonder that would benefit from having a society full of idiots? The first thing that pops into my mind is the Government.  The average Joe might not believe that the people they elected to serve the people would intestinally want to keep the public ignorant and oblivious when it comes to the running of the country, but if they have no real resistance from the public they can get away with anything they want to, for example they can rob the people and make them feel like they deserved it and that it was inevitable!  Just one of many examples.

I implore you all to question more and stop blindly accepting the fact that the rich deserve to rich and you deserve to live in the gutter. The rich are just greedy ba**rds that have become so adept at committing fraud it has become second nature.  

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Inferiority complex?

Exceptional.. Really??

A certain country that will remain un named has it in their head that they are the best at everything, I mean how can any one country have that kind of arrogance and be so oblivious to their faults? I mean they can’t even feed or house their own people, the education system over there is abysmal and any country that would rather get cash first rather than help a deathly ill person is no better than the third world!
Maybe the people across the pond  should worry about their own people rather than interfering in a conflict they don’t even fully understand, all they understand is warmongering and scaring everyone to submit to their way of doing things. Like this issue about Syria, the media in the states are actual mad that they didn’t get to go to war because the leader of Syria would rather give up the weapons than see his country blown to hell like Iraq. How and why is this a bad thing? You just avoided killing a whole bunch of people and spared your troops, but the media over there are treating this like a defeat and the fact that Russia came up with this idea is another blow, they just can’t handle the fact that maybe they are not number 1.

The population got it into their heads that they are number 1 and why I hear you ask? It’s the media, they start ingraining this idea into the youth  and when they inevitably get proven wrong, they can’t handle it. I mean are their wieners so small that they have to pick a fight with everyone? This is probably why everyone has a disliking towards you, what did you think, that after bombing the country and destroying their infrastructure that they were going to thank you??  No. all you would have achieved was to help breed the next generation of terrorist. Because just like in physics, “ever action has an equal and opposite reaction” but in there case the reaction would be twice as deadly and effect everyone not just you.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Working towards the grave..

All work and no play = douche bag!

They have recently said on the news that Americans work the longest hours, yeah like that’s something to be proud of!! All that proves is that they long to be slaves! I might be bursting a few dreams out there but the truth is, that’s all it is- slavery by another name but it is still that. Why would anyone want to copy that model? Think about it, having to work 3 jobs and still not being able to afford healthcare, decent food, electricity, the mortgage and don’t even think about a vacation abroad! Such a wonderful vision isn’t it? No, it’s a nightmare for the average Joe.
Why would anyone want to be treated that way, I mean not even having enough money to feed yourself? It’s 2013 for God’s sake, you would think people would understand the concept of sharing by now?!! Shh don’t say that across the pond, they’ll accuse you of being a communist! This idea of helping a person in need is an alien concept to them, if we all lived like them what wonderful lives we would have- I’m being sarcastic by the way.
The UK is so far up their bums they can smell their farts! The UK is gravitating towards this model, they’ve already taken away workers rights and benefits, the wages have been stagnate while the cost of living has shot through the roof! People here are struggling to put food on the table, children are going to bed starving- how in the hell is this any better than the third world?!
Religion has convinced you that there is a better plain of existence after this one but what if this is all there is? Is this really how you want to spend ALL your time, living in misery with people you can’t stand?!

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

The decay of society

When one thinks about the word decay it is usually associated with the following words: rotten, decline and worsening, not progress! It is a negative word, yet it is going on all around us and no one seems to be able to pick up on it. The mere fact that it is a slow progression of negative results and because it is slow it will most likely not be noticed until it’s too late to do anything!
Before we know it we will be living under totalitarian rule and all the freedoms that we enjoy will be taken away, and the frustrating thing is that it has already started, just take what happened to David Miranda, a clear intimidation tactic designed to prevent any future acts of free thought- and hear I thought this was a democracy!
People are fooled into thinking this is a democracy because they can protest, but what has this ever achieved? The students who protested against the rise in student fees, nothing was achieved there, have you taken a look at the cost of going into higher education?? All they achieved, thanks to the spineless and “impartial”  media that just branded them as delinquents! Not realizing they are just frustrated because you are frakking up their future!!!
Also another example to prove how much of a democracy this is not is the whole campaign for GMO’s and the Hydraulic Fracturing in West Sussex, a large number of people protested but did it achieve anything, NO! also over 70% of the population do not want GMO product but the Government are doing everything they can to push it through including false PR, such as having so called experts claiming that GMO’s are actually going to abolish hunger and how frakking will in turn lower your energy bills and help the environment!! Give me a break!! The US have had GMO’S  for years and does it look like they have even helped with food poverty?? I tell you one thing, the rise in anal leakage and cancers are more common than ever! And frakking has contaminate the water supply and just help raise breathing related illnesses and cancer and like in the case of Texas, they now have no CLEAN drinking water because any water they did have gets mixed with the frakking fluid.

Now to recount, they’ve already restricted the amount of information we get by starting a war on journalists and intimidated anyone linked to them, and they completely disregard the needs or complaint of its citizens in favour of the multi million pound companies- now what does that sounds like.. oh yeah FASCISM!!!  

Monday, 2 September 2013

BT Sport..

... Questionable coverage.

Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that they have decided to cover Serie A it just would be nicer if the
presenter actually knew anything about the Italian game. His knowledge of the Italian game is limited at best and it's hard not  to be a little insulted when he is so surprised when a team scores more than 1 goal. And not to forget that he just spouts cliche' after cliche' because it's obvious he doesn't know what else to say! Sometimes its as if he is watching a different match because some of the things he says doesn't make sense!

I'm glad that the producers of the show have decided to bring in James Richardson, a presenter who know Italian culture and the game, but I'm befuddled that he isn't the permanent presenter for Serie A, it would make sense? I thought after the first week BT Sport would have figured out how to do it but they all still look very awkward and sometimes it is hard to watch or listen!

My final words goes to one Joey Bartan, how in the hell is EPL and Ligue 1 miles ahead of Serie A???!! They may have the most money but believe me, they don't have the most talented players, believe me I've watched a number of EPL games! And if Serie A is so far behind why did PSG do most of their shopping in the penisular i.e Cavani, Silva, Verrati, Ibrahimovich and lavezzi. And another thing, Zidane and Platini both played for Juventus, an ITALIAN team!

But having said that, Italy should try harder to keep it's talent, but it is becoming hard since some teams are playing with monopoly money and can buy whomever they want!